30 Jan 2017
January 30, 2017

2016 – The Rear View Mirror

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The 4th quarter of 2016 is now solidly in the rear view mirror.  Thank goodness.  The presidential election exposed raw nerves among the electorate and played havoc with efforts to position portfolios in preparation for the vote outcome.  The day following the election saw an immediate jump in the DOW average and interest rates.  The.. read more →

01 Nov 2016
November 1, 2016

3rd Quarter Continuation

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The 3rd quarter was in many ways a continuation of the downward tilt to the U.S. economy.  It now appears that 2016 will be the worst year economically since the financial crisis.  The GDP is now edging closer to a 1% annual rate than the hoped for 2%.  The stock market itself has entered a.. read more →

13 Sep 2016
September 13, 2016

Fed Market Jitters

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Since Thursday the stock market has been on a roller coaster ride with the majority of the ride in a downward direction.  Volatility was sparked by comments from several voting members of the Federal Reserve Bank that there might be a .25% bump in interest rates at the end of this month.  The upset in.. read more →

27 Jul 2016
July 27, 2016

2nd Quarter 2016 – Looking Back

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Looking back at the 2nd quarter can be described as watching a crab make its way across a beach.  There was a great deal of sideways action.  The quarter was then capped off by the Brexit vote.  When the news that British voters had decided to leave the EU sank in, equity markets took a.. read more →

Whoa!!  The first quarter of 2016 is one for the history books.  It was the worst start ever for a January and then the biggest recovery in a month’s period of time in March.  All of the juking and jiving brought us back to where we started the year.  The beginning of the year pullback.. read more →